Saturday, March 14, 2009

Goodbye Lexi

When I first talked to my husband about starting a blog, my only concern was that I didn't have anything to blog about. Friends told me just to write about my everyday life - that in itself is interesting enough, but I was hesitant. Well today provided itself with a blog worthy moment I wanted to share:
So it's Saturday, and it started out like every other Saturday - me wishing I could sleep in longer, and Michael making a big pancake breakfast with the kids. Our 8 year old Great Dane woke me up around 4am acting weird, so we were keeping an eye on her and trying to decide if we needed to take her to the vet. I finally called and made the appointment for 11:30 - Michael already had plans to take the boys to a basketball game, so it was me and the girls. As I fed Laila on the couch I watched Lexi labor to breathe - this was the end and I knew it.

Skip ahead 2 hours (to spare you all the details)

So I'm still home with the girls and Michael walks in the door. (I had cancelled the vet appointment seeing as Lexi had already passed away at home) We had never been in this situation before - dealing with telling our kids about death and helping them understand that Lexi wasn't coming back. This is kind of how the conversation went:

Hudson: "Is Lexi still sick"
Me: "Well, kind of, honey, we had Lexi for a long time and she was old and she...."
Kensie interrupts: "Lexi's dead"
*Nice and blunt and to the point, but ouch!*
Hudson: "Can we get another dog?"

Carter walks in the door, walks right up to Lexi, steps over her body and says, "bye Lexi" while I try to stiffle my laughter - this is like some scene right out of a Weekend at Bernie's movie.

Hudson: "Mom, dad said we need to bury Lexi, so I'm going outside to get my shovel. I'm
going to make a sign for her too"
Me: "I think we can wait a minute honey..." Hudson continues outside "at least get a hat on."

Skip ahead about 20 minutes - in which Michael and I have to get a 145 pound Great Dane from our living room, outside and into the lawn mower wagon. Not a pretty sight. All the while, I'm sure of the fact that I am going to be voted worst mom in history for my children witnessing this entire scene - not my idea - they wanted to stay there and Hudson refused to leave. So now that they are forever traumatized, fast forward another 20 minutes.
So we are digging this monstrous hole and trying to guesstimate if it's big enough for our dog and trying to preoccupy the kids all the while. Did I mention that my husband had to get the ax and cut roots out of this hole as well....Okay, so to spare counseling sessions as adults, I talk Hudson into going in the house to get more paper for the sign that he wanted to make - Kensie and Carter follow. Excellent - perfect opportunity to put Lexi into the hole. We quickly find out that it isn't big enough and have to enlarge the hole before the kids see. We cover her body so that the kids can't see dirt being put on her and we wait for the kids to return and have our memorial service.
Hudson: "Mom, I got the paper, one for each of us"
Me: "That's great Hudson, where should we put our sign"
Hudson then finds a spot close to the hole, we put the stake in the ground and prepare our
Me: "What should we put on the sign?"
Hudson: "Lexi is dead"
Me: "Lexi is dead?"
Hudson: "Yes, Lexi is dead."
Me:"How about we add, We loved her"
Hudson: "Okay, Lexi is dead. We loved her. Perfect"
As we finish covering her and saying our goodbyes, Hudson blurts out:
"Dad, we've done alot today. We got up, we ate pancakes, Lexi was sick, Lexi died, we dug a hole, we put Lexi in it and we buried her with the sign. Oh yeah - and we went to the basketball game too."
So today, although starting like any other Saturday, was a significant day in our children's lives. The loss of a pet is never easy, no matter what the age, but kids are resilient. They loved their dog and we have many great memories and pictures of them together, but animals get old and life happens. I'm thankful for the questions they ask and the way the Lord allows us to explain in the best way we know how. I'm also thankful for the fact that as hard as today was, God still allowed us to laugh because His plan is perfect.
And by the way, our kids are still asking when we're getting a new dog.